Looking for free eBook downloads? Here are the top 20 websites to get them

Reading has never been more accessible than it is today. With the advent of the internet and eReaders, bibliophiles can enjoy thousands of books from all around the world at their fingertips. Here are the top 20 websites where you can download eBooks for free.

  1. Project Gutenberg: One of the pioneers in the world of free literature, Project Gutenberg offers readers a wealth of content, hosting a collection of more than 60,000 free eBooks. With the primary focus being on older works for which the U.S. copyright has expired, the platform offers an excellent opportunity for readers to explore timeless classics and works from celebrated authors. The books are available in various formats to suit different eReaders, making it an accessible and user-friendly platform.
  2. Open Library: A bold project undertaken by the Internet Archive, Open Library has a lofty goal of creating a single web page for every book ever published. As part of this ambitious endeavor, many free eBooks are available. With its easy-to-navigate website, readers can quickly search for their desired books, making it an invaluable resource for avid readers.
  3. ManyBooks: Offering more than 50,000 free eBooks, ManyBooks provides a simple and clutter-free interface. Its easy-to-navigate categories allow users to browse books by genre, language, author, or through a robust search feature. Users can also take advantage of user reviews and ratings, which add a unique social element to the platform.
  4. Librivox: If you’re looking for free literature in an audio format, Librivox is the place to go. It provides not only free eBooks but also a vast array of free audiobooks, making it perfect for those who prefer listening to their literature. The selections primarily include public domain classics, allowing users to enjoy some of the most beloved works in literary history.
  5. BookBub: A unique platform, BookBub provides a personalized experience for its users. In addition to offering free and discounted eBooks, it gives tailored eBook recommendations based on your preferred genres, thus serving as a personalized book discovery platform. This personalized touch, coupled with a wide variety of free and discounted books, makes BookBub a must-try for any book lover.
  6. International Children’s Digital Library: This free resource caters specifically to young readers, offering a vast collection of high-quality children’s books from around the globe. The site’s goal is to nurture a love of reading in children while promoting tolerance and understanding through literature. The collection is expansive, including works from various cultures, making it a valuable resource for developing young minds.
  7. Feedbooks: Feedbooks is a treasure trove for avid readers. While it offers a paid section, its “Public Domain” category brims with thousands of free eBooks, encompassing both classic literature and lesser-known titles. This blend of freely accessible works, coupled with a simple and efficient interface, makes Feedbooks a top contender for your eBook resources.
  8. Smashwords: Smashwords is a beacon of independent publishing, providing an enormous collection of self-published books, a large portion of which are available for free. The platform encourages independent authors by offering them an open platform to publish their work. With its diverse selection, readers are offered a unique opportunity to discover new voices in literature that they may not find in traditional publishing avenues.
  9. Baen Free Library: A heaven for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts, Baen Free Library is a project by Baen Publishing Enterprises, offering a good number of their titles online for free. The company understands the value of getting people hooked on science fiction and fantasy series and provides ample opportunities for readers to delve into new dimensions without any financial obligations.
  10. Bookyards: Bookyards is a straightforward, no-frills source for free eBooks. With thousands of books available across a range of genres, the website offers something for everyone. Easy navigation and uncomplicated download processes make it an ideal destination for readers who want a quick and straightforward experience.
  11. PDFBooksWorld: As its name suggests, PDFBooksWorld offers eBooks formatted specifically for PDF, catering to those who prefer this format. While it might not have the broadest selection compared to some other sites, it provides a good variety of books across genres, with each book professionally formatted to ensure an enjoyable reading experience.
  12. Internet Archive: A massive digital library run by a non-profit organization, Internet Archive is about more than just free eBooks – though it certainly offers plenty of those. The website hosts a plethora of free books, music, software, and films, making it an invaluable resource for digital content. The platform’s extensive eBook library spans numerous genres, providing readers with a myriad of choices.
  13. Google eBookstore: A part of the behemoth Google Play store, Google eBookstore offers a vast number of free eBooks alongside its collection of paid books. From well-known classics to independent works from upcoming authors, the range is quite broad. Furthermore, the interface is clean and easy to use, making it a pleasant experience for readers.
  14. Planet eBook: A neat, user-friendly site that offers high-quality, classic literature for free, Planet eBook is a great destination for those looking for well-formatted PDF versions of books no longer under copyright. It’s a straightforward site that’s easy to navigate, making finding and downloading your next great read a breeze.
  15. Gutenberg’s Australia: This is a sister site of Project Gutenberg, but it’s specifically for Australia. Gutenberg’s Australia offers additional titles that might not be available at Project Gutenberg due to differences in copyright law. It’s an excellent resource for finding some hidden gems that might be restricted in other regions.
  16. LibreTexts: An educational platform, LibreTexts provides a wealth of academic and educational texts for free. It’s an invaluable resource for students or lifelong learners who want to expand their knowledge without breaking the bank. It covers a broad range of academic subjects, offering in-depth, reliable information.
  17. Wikibooks: Powered by Wikimedia, Wikibooks is a collection of open-content textbooks that anyone can edit, making it a continually evolving resource. It’s an excellent platform for those looking to delve into a wide array of subjects, from languages to sciences, all for free.
  18. GetFreeEBooks: A convenient site where you can download free books available in various popular formats, GetFreeEBooks provides a platform where authors and readers meet. It offers a space for new and established authors to promote their work, resulting in a diverse selection of free eBooks for readers.
  19. Ebook Lobby: Ebook Lobby offers a broad range of free eBooks divided into different categories. From arts and photography to business and investing, the website provides free resources on a wide variety of subjects. Its user-friendly interface makes browsing and downloading books a simple process.
  20. Free-eBooks.net: With Free-eBooks.net, you can discover new authors or indulge in your favorite classics for free. The site offers unlimited access to a vast range of free eBooks and magazines. Besides, its unique section of academic texts and a dedicated category for self-publishing authors make it a diverse platform for all kinds of readers.


In conclusion, there is a vast world of free eBooks available online. The above list includes just a few of the numerous websites where you can download eBooks for free. So whether you’re a casual reader or a dedicated bookworm, these websites offer a wealth of resources to keep you reading for years to come.